Friday, February 26, 2010


    Okay, I'll try to keep this short ... HOWEVER, I'm new to FaceBook and don't really get all that you can do, but I get it enough to check on recent "posts" of our daughters.  Imagine my shock when I see Carin has a "post" she's at the Emergency Room because one of her research horses at the A&M Vet School, Research Department, decided to bite down on her left index finger and she's possibly lost the tip. 
    Well as any Mother would do, I called immediately!  She's in some pain, they were able to stitch her finger okay, and her nail is a mess ... but, Rusty is traveling and she's going to have to deal with feeding their 20 horses and Dylan (he's been awesome of late), so she's not comfortable taking the prescribed pain medication! 
    I offer for the three of us and Rascal to come and help for the weekend, then before she can respond I rescind my offer of "all" and offer Dad's help!  Well she was slow to respond, so I took that as an indication she really wants someone with her ... so a quick duffle bag packed and off Dad goes to aid with the feeding of horses and to entetain Dylan!
    Guess you never outgrow your need for Mom and Dad!  Until next time ....

Monday, February 22, 2010


     Have I mentioned we live in the country?  Now we don't live on acerage, like Carin and Rusty, but we are out of any city limits, and we do experience God's greatest creatures all around us ... snakes (haven't seen one in a while, only dead ... the best kind), fox, precious deer, numerous birds and then, the skunks!  Ahh yes, the skunks, we had a Momma deliver six babies under Don's newly installed Tuff Shed last June.  They were so cute, and just like clockwork, as soon as the sun set each evening they appeared ... following Momma on their evening adventures!  Well, once they were weaned, I guess, we never asked, they seemed to disappear!  WHEW!
    And then this morning arrived, at about 6:15am, heard one of our neighbor cats screeching ... they too enjoy our backyard because I feed all the birds, so they spend time near the birdfeeder and under our deck in the hopes of catching a meal!  However, I spend some time opening the door and scooting them on their way, until they decide I'm too busy to notice they're back in the yard.  Okay, the screeching was early and we never did see anything.  Must have been a territorial standoff ... little did we know!
    Breakfast eaten and then it was on to Curves, starting the week right.  Came home at about 8:15am and Rascal is having a fit barking out the back door ... and then we saw it!  He/She's baacckkk ... yep, a bit late as they're noctural animals (tell them that), casually walking to the Tuff Shed.  First mistake, we didn't have a slab poured for the shed, won't ever make that mistake again.  Ms. Skunk is looking for a way back under, but the usual passage taken last year was blocked by the lawnmower, hearing Rascal's bark she was concerned.  Wandered quickly to the backside and then out from the opposite side of the shed ... Rascal's making a large commotion and the next thing we know the skunk is headed for the deck!  NO, NO ... decides not to go under, SO, yup you guessed it, with tail up and spread she comes around toward the back wall of the house, walks right past the door, Rascal by this time is absolutely crazy!  I'm talking to Carin on the phone and she's screaming, get Rascal away from the door so the skunk won't spray the door ... didn't think of that one!  So there she goes, to the backside of the shed and she disappeared somewhere in Don's lumber stack!
    You just had to be there!  It was a hoot, but now we know they're back and I imagine if Chuck (next door neighbor) sees her in the dark of the night in his yard, he'll shoot her.  And that's okay, the downside to that, there's many, many more out there and they too will probably find there way to our Tuff Shed!
    Now, I mentioned deer, several weeks ago we had about six in the backyard one Sunday night.  Well hadn't seen them since that time, and Don needed to take my camera to a job site ... yep, you guessed it again.  Just about ready to leave for errands and look out our bedroom window to see four beautiful creatures in the field behind our house.  I run to get my camera, and then remember ... it's not here!  A missed Kodak moment, but the good news, they'll be baaaccckkkk as well!
   Take care my friends, watch for God's precious creatures, and until next time ....

Friday, February 19, 2010


    Well I've been reminded that after we enjoyed watching the eagles perch and the babies flap their wings, we enjoyed a fabulous lunch at Tamale King!  AWESOME!  If you're ever in this area, you must stop in, it's the best Mexican food around.  BUT, don't try to stop in on Sunday, they're closed.
    It was a fun few hours, and I'm looking forward to going back soon to watch the Eagles, and enjoy lunch!  Until next time ....

Thursday, February 18, 2010


    well, except Tuesday!  They were there, an adult and two babies but there was no soaring for the crowd today only babies flapping their wings, and the adult sitting about 100 yards from the nest on a perch, probably resting from taking care of the "kids"!
    The adult was impressive, even at a distance you could distinguish his beautiful white head!  This adventure started about two weeks ago when the Burnet Bulletin ran an article in "Lake Country Life" about the eagles wintering in our area.  The eagles have come for years, and this area is known internationally for the abundance of eagles, so many folks venture to the area for observation trips.  Well, you know, you read the paper and say, "we've got to go see them", they're approximately 30 minutes from our house, and then you never do!
    Enter dear friends Eli and Sharon, sending an email during Don's trip to Colorado wanting to know if I'm interested in a "sight trip", the answer a resounding YES!  So off we go on Tuesday morning with cameras, binoculars and sight scope in the trunk.  The nest we were off to see has history to it, the two bald eagles have returned for the last seven years to the same nest to raise their babies.  They arrive in October and I'm hoping they'll still be here in mid-March when Carin and Dylan come for a visit ... Rusty will be on a fishing tournament.
    It was a beautiful, clear blue sky, breezy, cool morning still at 11:00am when we arrived at the location on SH 29, yep, you can see the nest from the highway.  It is such a popular attraction that the Texas Highway Department has created a pullover area and installed warning signs to watch for the many cars that pull in to observe during the winter and spring months.
    Eager to get our first look we jump from the car and were not disappointed, the babies in the nest are 9 weeks old and almost ready to fly!  It was amazing to watch this beautiful bird flap his wings in anticipation of taking to the skies, but not this day!  Dad, or was it Mom, sat on a perch not far, she was either resting or looking for their next meal.  It was really impressive to see such a National treasure!   Take the time and log on to scroll down the page to Llano Bald Eagles, 2009-2010 and enjoy the impressive photographs taken of the incredible journey of this Bald Eagle Family.  Enjoy, we did!  Until next time ....

Monday, February 15, 2010


     Have you ever  noticed, in small towns, how on patriotic days, like today President's Day, the Fourth of July, all main streets are decorated with the United States Flag, I mean really decorated?  It's really nice, drove into Marble Falls today and there on Main Street, which is also Hwy. 281 North/South, all businesses had their own US Flag displayed, but the city also puts US Flags on every block.
    Another observation today, a funeral procession and all traffic came to a standstill, not a vehicle moved; and this was a large funeral, probably 60 or more vehicles.  I've also witnessed this on Park Road 4, a funeral procession and all vehicles pulled over where they could (it's only 2 lane), but all to show their respect.  I think the most impressive funeral procession I have ever seen in my life was at Highway 281 and Park Road 4 last Fall, a Burnet County Sheriff Department Deputy lost his life in the line of duty; two fire trucks were positioned on either side of the entrance to PR4, ladders fully extended into the air, and held between them was the biggest and most beautiful United States Flag I have ever seen.  It was breathtaking!
    Okay, on to the "lighter side" of life in a small town, have you ever noticed that most SUVs and trucks have only one daytime running light ... why is that?  And that most people with trucks have their dogs in the bed of the truck and they're standing most of the time on top of the tool box, makes me crazy!
    And did you know that in MF, don't try to go into a local business between 12:00 Noon and 1:00pm, they're all out to lunch ... and that includes doctors, dentists, engineering companies, of course Wally World is ALWAYS open!
    OH, and how can I forget there are many, many retired people, which isn't too bad, but then there's the "beyond retired age" .... and they're still driving, travelling down Hwy 281 at under 40 mph!  But, can't complain too much, we at least don't have Houston traffic, and the scenery and clear, clean air make up for most of the inconveniences and oddities of living in small town America, love it!  Until next time ....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

SPRING, did you enjoy it today! AND, I wonder ...

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!  Well, dang, the temperature just dropped 15 degrees in the last 10 minutes and the North winds are howling!  It was beautiful an hour ago, temperature on the deck was 68 degrees, sun brightly shining and now we're back to Winter for a few more days!  March just can't get here soon enough!

Think it was last week Carin wondered if anyone read her blog ... hmm, I'm wondering if anyone reads mine.  I know Carin and Melisa do, and sometimes niece Meg, guess mine isn't too exciting.  I enjoy keeping up with the girls, and our nieces ... does Jenni "blog".  Just wondering?  Well guess I'll go start our Valentine's dinner and wait to hear from Don and the skiers, think I'll go next year!  OH, does anyone know what happened to "spell check", can't find it!  Until next time ....

Friday, February 12, 2010


Big news ... the SUN came out almost ALL afternoon, temps in the mid-50's.  It was wonderful and next week will be more of the same, cool evenings, but pleasant days!  I know, this is Texas and about August you'll hear the anguish in our voices that it's too hot, but maybe not this summer!

Well let's see, the computer came home from the hospital last week and is working like a charm, the tech added two programs we're to run about every 10 days to keep it clear of virus stuff!  YEA, thanks Lively Computers, we appreciate you!

It's Valentine's weekend and most of you know what that means in our household, yup, "the guy ski trip".  It's been a tradition since the late 1980's, or maybe mid-1990's and Don hasn't participated every year, but I felt he was deserving this year after all our drama and his cancer last year!  So it's just us "girls" for a few days!  Thinking about cleaning closets, reorganizing files, working on income tax, and then ... SHOPPING! 

Olympics begin tonight, have always loved the Winter Games and had a childhood dream of being a figure skater ... remembering the winters in Cedar Rapids when I was in grade school.  After dinner I'd beg my father to take me, Suzie Olson and Cindy Bachleor to Garfield Rink, the temperature didn't stop us, below freezing or even below zero we'd be on the ice ... well somewhere along the way that dream was squashed ... I could have been Dorothy Hamill, well actually Peggy Flemming is closer to my age.  Tee hee, most of you reading this probably won't recognize those names!

Anyway, that's about enough stuff for now, Opening Ceremonies soon to begin, until next time ....

Monday, February 1, 2010


our poor computer is very sick, so it's on it's way to the "computer hospital" ... I'll be out-of-touch for several days and hope I experience no withdrawal symptoms!  Until next time ....