Monday, February 15, 2010


     Have you ever  noticed, in small towns, how on patriotic days, like today President's Day, the Fourth of July, all main streets are decorated with the United States Flag, I mean really decorated?  It's really nice, drove into Marble Falls today and there on Main Street, which is also Hwy. 281 North/South, all businesses had their own US Flag displayed, but the city also puts US Flags on every block.
    Another observation today, a funeral procession and all traffic came to a standstill, not a vehicle moved; and this was a large funeral, probably 60 or more vehicles.  I've also witnessed this on Park Road 4, a funeral procession and all vehicles pulled over where they could (it's only 2 lane), but all to show their respect.  I think the most impressive funeral procession I have ever seen in my life was at Highway 281 and Park Road 4 last Fall, a Burnet County Sheriff Department Deputy lost his life in the line of duty; two fire trucks were positioned on either side of the entrance to PR4, ladders fully extended into the air, and held between them was the biggest and most beautiful United States Flag I have ever seen.  It was breathtaking!
    Okay, on to the "lighter side" of life in a small town, have you ever noticed that most SUVs and trucks have only one daytime running light ... why is that?  And that most people with trucks have their dogs in the bed of the truck and they're standing most of the time on top of the tool box, makes me crazy!
    And did you know that in MF, don't try to go into a local business between 12:00 Noon and 1:00pm, they're all out to lunch ... and that includes doctors, dentists, engineering companies, of course Wally World is ALWAYS open!
    OH, and how can I forget there are many, many retired people, which isn't too bad, but then there's the "beyond retired age" .... and they're still driving, travelling down Hwy 281 at under 40 mph!  But, can't complain too much, we at least don't have Houston traffic, and the scenery and clear, clean air make up for most of the inconveniences and oddities of living in small town America, love it!  Until next time ....

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